Aim & Scope

Journal of Applied Informatics and Technology (JIT) is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal that aims to publish leading edge researches on any possible topic in informatics, technology, and other related areas, both from theoretical and empirical perspectives. 

  • Journal title: Journal of Applied Informatics and Technology
  • Journal Abbreviation: J Appl Inf Tech
  • Initial:  JIT
  • Languge: English (Start 2026)
  • Publication: 2 issues/year (No. 1: January – June, No. 2: July – December)
  • ISSN (Online): 2586-8136
  • ISSN (Print): 2630-094X
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.14456
  • Article Processing Charges (APC): No charge
  • Editor-in-Chief: Olarik Surinta
  • Publisher: Faculty of Informatics, Mahasarakham University
  • Citation Analysis: Google Scholar

Scope of the Research
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Information Technology
  • Computer Science
  • Geo-Informatics
  • Information Science and Management
  • Digital Media
  • Communication Arts

Types of Manuscripts
The JIT journal welcomes submissions in three academic formats: 

  • Research article
  • Review article
    Academic article

Publication Frequently
JIT has 2 issues/year (January-June and July-December). JIT decided to publish all manuscripts only online version.

  • No. 1: January-June
  • No. 2: July-December

Brief Overview of Review Process

The articles must be original and never be published in any other websites or other journals before. The articles which are considered as “plagiarism” articles are strongly prohibited to be published in the JIT journal. The JIT is dedicated to preventing accusations of dishonest publication-plagiarism, the redundant publication (self-plagiarism), author misrepresentation, and content falsification. The manuscript submitted to JIT should not have a similarity index score of more than 25% and the item in the list should have a similarity index score below or equal to 2% when using plagiarism applications, such as turnitin. The editor will immediately reject any manuscript that fails to meet the requirement of the JIT.

Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their manuscripts, whereas reviewers are not visible to authors. All submitted manuscripts are subjected to peer-review by at least three independent reviewers. Peer reviews are done by a double-blind review method where the identity of the reviewers and the authors are not disclosed to either party.

The final decision regarding acceptance, revision, or rejection rests with the Editor-in-Chief.

For more details of the peer review process, please follow this link: Peer Review Process

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